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projects following the UK vote to leave the EU, we nevertheless find that the confidence factor of a good number of developers in Gibraltar is extremely high and will surely give rise to new off-plan developments streaming on to the local market shortly, with a view of being able to cater for the existing and ever increasing interest in the Gibraltar property market.
Together with other avenues that HMGoG may pursue in order to ensure that Gibraltar remains linked to the EU, essential to foster economic growth and stability, Blue Water will definitely add a totally new dimension to Gibraltar's real estate, ensuring that Gibraltar's prime residential market remains buoyant for years to come.
Office and commercial
Although we may find that a reduced number of corporate entities may have taken the decision to consider relocating their operation to other jurisdictions, we nevertheless find that there are already numerous new overseas companies interest- ed in acquiring suitable premises in order to set up their new operations in Gibraltar.
Following the Brexit result announce- ment, many of the major gaming companies have expressed their commitment to maintain their presence on the Rock, with many extending their leases for a further six years.
Furthermore, as a result of the limited office space currently available in Gibraltar, it is highly probable that new purpose built office developments will spring up within the foreseeable future, as a result of the market showing considerable stability after the unexpected UK leave results, highlighting the confidence in the local real estate market which will enable developers to be more active providing scope for further growth in the sector.
In	summary,	we	are	all	working towards a common goal; the Government of Gibraltar has reassured the finance centre, gaming industry and business community at large, that they will explore every available option, whilst the Gibraltar property market brims with confidence especially when the message filters through to property owners that the local property market is beginning to gain pace after the recent referendum.
It is interesting to note that almost every successful outcome begins with two beliefs; the future can be better than the present and we have the ability and determination in Gibraltar to make it so!
The eagerly awaited Midtown development
Gibraltar International	23

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