
Don’t Just Build It, BOT It!

Don’t Just Build It, BOT It! By Eran Shay, Managing Director, Benefit Business Solutions Ltd Recent years have seen a dramatic increase worldwide in the involvement of the private sector in the development and funding of public facilities and services….

Brexit and Gibraltar’s Funds and Investments Industries

Brexit and Gibraltar’s Funds and Investments Industries By James Lasry Deputy Chairman Gibraltar Funds and Investments Association and Head of Funds at Hassans International Law Firm Most Gibraltarians were quite certain that the United Kingdom would vote to remain within…

Bidding for a better opportunity and equality

Bidding for a better opportunity and equality A greater determination by women to break the traditional 
employment ‘glass ceiling’ is showing through strongly in Gibraltar, as groups form to consider what in practice can be done to ensure equal opportunity…

The tax efficient Mediterranean Lifestyle

The tax efficient Mediterranean Lifestyle   By Gavin Gafan, Assistant Manager, Tax Department & Hannah Clark, Manager, Tax and Company Services, Deloitte   It is safe to say that we currently live in a fast-pace society. One only has to…

Making a judgment on cases for expansion to maintain progress

Making a judgment on cases for expansion to maintain progress   Worldwide tax transparency measures are causing a slow down in Gibraltar’s traditional legal work, prompting firms to consider other areas to demonstrate professional excellence, writes Ray Spencer   The…

Insurance Sector Challenges in 2016

  Insurance Sector Challenges in 2016   By Steve Quinn, Chief Executive Officer, Quest Insurance Management (Gibraltar) Limited   When I was given the opportunity to submit an article to Gibraltar International last year I listed several issues as representing…

A robust and resilient property market!

A robust and resilient  property market! By Douglas Villalta, CEO, Century21 While 2015 has been a very positive and nourishing year for the real estate market in Gibraltar, we expect 2016 to be even better, despite the cocktail of global…

Being disruptive

Being disruptive By Marcus Killick, Isolas Last month in London I caught my first Uber “cab”. It arrived quickly, delivered me exactly where I wanted to go and I stepped from the rear door without reaching for my wallet, having…

Gibrael – A new Bi-national Chamber of Commerce for Gibraltar

Gibrael – A new Bi-national Chamber of Commerce for Gibraltar By: Eran Shay, Managing Director, Benefit Business Solutions and President of “Gibrael”- the Gibraltar-Israel Chamber of Commerce Recently a new Chamber of Commerce has been established on the Rock, between…

Tuning into TV leads to broadband wars

    Tuning into TV leads to broadband wars   Telecommunication company profits are under pressure as competition intensifies, prices fall across the board and demand for service content grows. Ray Spencer looks at how, in a small market, the…