
Viva Gibraltar – lifting the lid on the Rock

Nicola Smith is CEO of Helvetic Fund Administration Limited, Gibraltar Since 2008 Gibraltar has been listed in the Global Financial Centres Index published by the City of London Corporation increasing its reputation as an attractive location for business in a…

Gibraltar as a ‘career domicile’

by Tom Stephenson, Underwriting Management & Business Development, Robus, Gibraltar / Gibraltar Insurance Association (GIA) The case for Gibraltar as a great place to do business, is made time and time again by industry professionals, as well as Gibraltar Finance…

Growth in lawyers masks tightening budgets

The major constituents of Gibraltar’s economy – offshore work, financial services, and e-commerce – are continuing to grow, increasingly there is demand for sophisticated legal skills and services, and greater competition Gibraltar is said to have the world’s largest legal…

Green light ahead ­ mind the speed limit!

by Eric Verleyen Societe Generale Private Banking Hambros (SGPBH) Chief Investment Officer In general, 2013 was clearly a great year for equities and risky assets. The so-called “fall of safe havens” fully unfolded early in the year when US and…