
UK property ‘levelling the playing field’

UK property ‘levelling the playing field’ By Lynette Chaudhary, International Tax & Research Director, STM Fiscalis Ltd For UK property investors, changes have been proposed in UK Government consultation documents, which seek to extend the UK’s grip on the taxation…

Revolutionary changes coincide with caution over ‘disruptive’ technology

Revolutionary changes coincide with caution over ‘disruptive’ technology Gibraltar’s lawyers are witnessing the greatest professional changes in 50 years after a comprehensive overhaul of legal services regulation that will bring greater transparency and openness to their practices, reports Ray Spencer…

Broadband competition – phenomenally good for business

    Broadband competition – phenomenally good for business     Gibraltar’s three broadband suppliers, each with a separate infrastructure, is “phenomenally good” for business and consumers with lower prices, faster speeds and wider services     The dominant supplier,…

Can diversity in eGaming become a safe bet?

        Can diversity in eGaming become a safe bet?   Self-help is possibly the best way for women to gain deserved recognition in the largely male-dominated eGaming industry, according to a group of key executives, reports Ray…

Another lap

Another lap   By Alan Mudie, head of Research and Strategy, Societe Generale Private Banking The outlook for 2018 looks very familiar to keen observers of economies and markets. As was the case in 2017, we expect synchronized growth, sub-par…

DLT: regulation, applications and token sales 101

DLT: regulation, applications and token sales 101 by Joey Garcia ISOLAS LLP Most people will have, by now, heard of the proposal to introduce a regulatory framework that is intended to capture and regulate firms that use distributed ledger technology…

Higher costs fail to deter company formation and use of trusts

Higher costs fail to deter company formation and use of trusts Updating company and trust laws this year has given a new lease of life and potential new business lines for Gibraltar’s trust and company service providers against the background…

Gibraltar gears up for DLT and Blockchain

Gibraltar gears up for DLT and Blockchain By Vickram Khatwani Senior Tax Manager, Deloitte The terms blockchain, cryptocurrency and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) have become part and parcel of everyday conversation, spoken by both industry professionals and the general public…

Gibraltar Private Foundations legislation a significant addition

Gibraltar Private Foundations legislation a significant addition  By Paul Astengo, Senior Executive, Gibraltar Finance and Adrian Pilcher, Partner, Isolas In March, Albert Isola, Minister for Commerce, presented a Bill in the Gibraltar Parliament that would allow for the creation of…