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                                    24 Gibraltar International www.gibraltarinternational.comFundsGibraltar funds resurgence, unlocking banking opportunities amid growthThe investment fund sector in Gibraltar is experiencing a significant resurgence and is now the second most common jurisdiction cited by digital asset funds as domicile of choice. Gibraltar is uniquely positioned to address the challenges of digital asset funds, thanks to its robust regulatory framework and the rise of banking options tailored to emerging asset classes. This reflects a positive shift as fund managers increasingly seek stable banking solutions for cryptocurrency-related activities.A positive banking outlook for Gibraltar Funds Historically, cryptocurrency funds have faced hurdles securing reliable banking services, as traditional banks often viewed the sector with skepticism. However, Gibraltar%u2019s commitment to innovation, coupled with its flexible yet rigorous regulatory standards, is paving the way for renewed confidence in banking services.Several banks now cater specifically to cryptocurrency funds, both locally and internationally. These crypto-friendly institutions recognize Gibraltar%u2019s leadership Continued p26By Derek Baglietto, Gibraltar Funds & Investment Association (GFIA) 
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