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                                    6 Gibraltar International www.gibraltarinternational.comNewsThe Gibraltar Financial Intelligence Unit (GFIU) came together recently with the Economic Crime Unit of the Royal Gibraltar Police and Investigation Branch of HM Customs for an engaging workshop on the use of financial intelligence, focusing on the critical Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Immediate Outcomes 6, 7, and 8 which relate to the use of financial intelligence, investigations and prosecutions, and confiscation of assets.Minister for Justice, Nigel Feetham MP, said: %u201cThis workshop reinforces my Ministry%u2019s commitment to ensure that all stakeholders collaborate with each other. Working in silos is not an option and I am grateful for the work being done to continuously make improvements to our system.%u201dDonald Trump%u2019s return as President of the United States has raised concerns in Madrid that the Trump administration could %u201creduce the margins of Spain%u2019s foreign policy%u201d and %u201charm the completion of the agreement with the United kingdom on Gibraltar%u201d.In a report from the Elcano Royal Institute it lists a number of positive and negative possible outcomes. On the negative side it states that Trump could put the Gibraltar agreement in jeopardy, which needs increased cooperation between the United Kingdom / Gibraltar and Spain.On a more positive note for the agreement, the report states that it would involve %u201ccustoms opening in Ceuta and Melilla and Gibraltar is incorporated into the Schengen area%u201d.GFIU holds financial intelligence workshopConcerns in Spain that Trump could harm treaty negotiationsLow cost airline, easyJet has annouced that it will launch a new route from Birmingham to Gibraltar from June 2025, with seats available from %u00a326.99.The service will operate twice weekly, all year round on Thursdays and Sundays. The Birmingham Airport service will compliment existing easyJet routes from Gatwick, Bristol, and Manchester.Juan Franco, the Mayor of La Linea, Gibraltar%u2019s neighboring town, has voiced his views at the lack of an agreement over the future of the La Linea / Gibraltar borders.He commented that nearly nine years since the Brexit referendum, %u201cthey still do not have a clear response to the claims of the town and the situation that will remain%u201d if an agreement is reached.Mr Franco, a keen supporter of a Brexit deal that will be both favourable for Gibraltar and the people of La Linea, held a protest march in October 2024, in which thousands of people marched from the centre of the town to the Gibraltar border to express their support.The Mayor of La Linea expresses his annoyance at the lack of a Brexit dealNew easyJet route from Birmingham to Gibraltar
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