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                           Gibraltar International 7Your Gatewayinto the UKFeasibility studies Regulatory license applicationsUnderwriting & claims managementGovernance servicesSolvency finance & accountingCompliance servicesRisk management servicesDue diligence reportingCompany secretarial servicesPerformance reviewCaptive health checksCapital management analysisActuarial servicesExit strategy reviewsSRS is an independent insurance company manager, offering services to open market insurers, reinsurers, intermediaries, corporates, and captives.We provide consultancy, feasibility studies, business planning, support with licence applications, and ongoing insurance and company management, partnering with our clients so they derive the value of our local expertise and advice.Our firm is the only Insurance Manager in Gibraltar with in-house actuarial capability able to deliver services to a UK IFoA code standard. Our in-house team and associates have extensive experience in both general and life insurance, offering a wide range of services including actuarial function reporting and other solvency II requirements, reserving and capital management tasks. We also have a proven track record in providing solutions for run-off and legacy businesses.To learn how clients are benefiting, please contact:Paul Cole, Managing 20077065John Harris, Business Development 56003576SRS Management (Gibraltar) Limited is incorporated in Gibraltar (company number 106704) and registered at 5/5 Crutchett%u02bcs Ramp, Gibraltar, GX11 1AA. It is authorised and regulated by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission for insurance and company management.
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